Indian cricket legend Sunil Gavaskar has slammed the Indian cricket team’s support staff after their abysmal tour of Australia ended with a 1-3 scoreline.While most of the Indian cricket team players have been singled out for criticism, Gavaskar also pointed fingers at the coaches. Since taking over the reins of the Indian cricket team from Rahul Dravid, Gautam Gambhir has brought Abhishek Nayar batting coach, Ryan ten Doeschate as fielding coach and Morne Morkel as bowling coach.“Aapke coaching staff kya kar rahe the? (What was your coaching staff doing in Australia?) Your bowling coach and your batting coach… your batting coach, in particular, against New Zealand when we were bowled for 46, and the way we were defeated in the remaining matches. Batting main koi dum nahi tha (There was no punch in the batting). Here also our batting was not strong enough, so questions should be asked what have you guys done? Why can’t we see any improvement?”WATCH: Sunil Gavaskar slams assistant coaches went on to add on Star Sports: “We would understand if you say that the bowling was top class and our batters couldn’t face them. Even the greatest batters have difficulty in facing good bowling. But when good bowling is not happening then tell me what has the coaching staff done? You may ask should we change the batting order, I will ask should we change the coaching staff? We have 2-3 months before going to England.“I will also ask what have you (India coaching staff) done? How do you plan to improve the Indian cricketers? Throw-downs will not get you anything. You had to improve their technique and temperament, which you haven’t done. So make sure that ask questions from the batters who have not made runs, but also ask the coaching staff what have they done?” Gavaskar thundered.
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