According to media reports, the BCCI introduced several rules after the series’ defeat against Australia. The players will not be allowed to travel separately, and the families can stay up to two weeks on a tour comprising 45 days. The luggage limit has been set at 110 kgs for a player. However, the board hasn’t given any official statement on the new changes implemented, as reported by media houses.Harsha Bhogle, the famous sports presenter, has reacted to new developments in Indian cricket. He also suggested a rule that should be implemented by the apex body of Indian cricket.“Reading of the changes the BCCI is apparently suggesting for the Indian team. I don’t know how much to believe but if I had to nominate one rule to be strictly applied, it would be to ban team members from having PR agencies,” he wrote on X.Reading of the changes the BCCI is apparently suggesting for the Indian team. I don't know how much to believe but if I had to nominate one rule to be strictly applied, it would be to ban team members from having PR agencies — Harsha Bhogle (@bhogleharsha) January 15, 2025The PR agencies have often been accused of spreading fake news about players and taking help from celebrities to make a certain cricketer famous. Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma are managed by famous PR agencies that go to any extent to defend their client.When Rohit opted out of the fifth and final Test against Australia in Sydney, his PR agency took the help of Bollywood stars to praise the cricketer. Vidya Balan, who hardly tweets about cricket, came out in favour of Rohit. Several other big stars followed what was told to them by Sharma’s PR agency.Harsha has been targeted by the toxic fan groups who are hired by PR agencies in case a commentator says something negative or criticizes a cricketer for his failures.
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